and I couldn't be more excited and happy about it!
I'm finally taking care of myself, and even with little changes I already feel so much better!
I've officially been into this new lifestyle for three weeks. It's not an easy process... and I don't even mean giving up those decadent comfort foods. I mean I'm learning the awful habits I've had and the detrimental things I've been doing to my body. These past few weeks have been a roller coaster because I am essentially detoxing from all the junk I had been consuming and trying to correct my sleeping schedule.
It started with a desire to merely lose weight and inspiration from a high school friend who had success on a weight loss system. It has blossomed into the overwhelming desire to rid my life of the toxic food that we Americans are being force fed. If anyone has known me, they know it was almost impossible for me to consume fruits and vegetables. Sour fruity candy was my weakness, and I was incredibly weak. I also have a weird condition where I literally gag from the texture of most fruits and veggies. Over the past 5 or 6 years, I have nestled into a reclusive, sedentary lifestyle, and ridiculously indulgent eating habits. I completely threw caution to the wind, and I have paid the price. I have always had digestive troubles for as long as I can remember... I made them ten times worse by eating the way I did and not exercising. Now, I have sciatica, falling arches/plantar fascitis, and generally sore, achy muscles all over my body. My sleeping habits are erratic, and my mental health suffered greatly. I was exhausted and fuzzy headed all the time. I depleted my metabolism from a previous unhealthy diet in which I lost almost 80 pounds, but obviously gained back. I was hating myself because I never felt good. It was getting to the point that I couldn't even enjoy doing the holiday festivities that I cherished (and I'm a crazy big kid with holidays) because I couldn't stand or walk for long period of times. It was just absolutely killing me. By the time I made this decision, I wasn't even enjoying the normal "decadent comfort foods," and I knew it was time. I just didn't know where to start. Cue high school friend, Tiff (if you are reading, thank you so much again!), with good news about a weight loss system that was working for her even after having her baby! I was convinced this is what I needed to do. And there it began... that decision started it all.
As I stated before, it started it with a desire to lose weight so I could enjoy my life more and not sit on the side lines. It has completely changed into a desire to change my life. My first step was to introduce healthy and get rid of unhealthy. For me, "cold turkey" is the best way. That's what I did... hence the absolute horrible withdraw at first. My goal at first was to eat as healthy as I could (knowing I didn't eat many fruits and veggies previously) then to steadily add organic as money allows until I am fully organic (hopefully hubby too). Hubby and I are planning our first trip to a local organic farmer's market, and I'm really excited about it!
Right now there is alot of trial and error with recipes because I'm just getting my cooking legs lol. But I am being completely open minded to everything, trying EVERYTHING! If I can't do the texture, I just puree it so I get the nutrients from certain veggies or fruit. (My hubby is so proud lol!) So this blog is to 1. help me to remember the winners!, 2. save relevant, health-conscious articles and info, and 3. to encourage and remind myself why I am doing this, as well as document my journey. To be honest, I don't miss the old food because this time I'm finding healthy alternatives to my old favorites, and they taste BETTER! Because organic and "diet" (although I hate to use that word) food doesn't have to be bland! You just have to utilize the flavors of real food and be conscious of what you are putting into your body! The way to stick with these is not hate food but to love REAL ORGANIC HEALTHY food... I am feeling better every day, and I know I will never go back. Welcome to my new life :o)
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